Thursday 1 May 2014

Comic Sans is for elementary school ONLY

So it's been just over a month diving head first into the world, and I'm enjoying the response. I'm really impressed with the site and how it works as it is truly a tool to enhance education as well offer teachers (and home school teachers alike) an opportunity to supplement their salary. Teaching is by far one of the most demanding jobs there are, and it goes way beyond the classroom. Like parenthood, teaching is a way of life - something that is integral to your identity (at least I feel that way lol). It's a job where you give, give and give, and the only real return is seeing your child over come challenges and succeed. I know the site itself has its critics, as pretty much anything in today's society does. But that doesn't mean it's not beneficial to both student and teachers, and in all honesty, any win/win situation is a good thing.

When I started the home schooling era of my life this past September, I promised myself that I wouldn't do anything "too childish" in terms of babying my grade 4. But I've learned that when kids can related to "kiddie" things, they are so much more open to learning. I FINALLY decided to use comic sans for an assignment a few weeks back, and the first comment out of K's mouth was "cool font!" and he dove right into completing the work! What? You mean to tell me that you don't care for Times New Roman, or Ariel black? Those are classics!! What I fail to realize though, is that grade 4 students are not used to writing pages upon pages of papers, so Times New Roman is not nostalgic for them yet. Messy writing, misspelled words are their comforts.

I guess this is a learning process for everyone! Luckily offers numerous freebies for parents such as myself to download in order to make homework assignments and activities much more inviting to young and creative minds. 

Do I still think comic sans is a childish font? Absolutely! Does that mean I will never use it? Of course not!!

Weeks until summer: 8!

Check out my stuff on teacherspayteachers! Like I said, it's only been a month...

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